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Everything you need to build a Model-Driven App


Updated: Jul 21, 2024

It is time that we all roll up our sleeves and learn Model-driven apps. This video walks you through ALL OF THE STEPS to build your first Model-driven app.

Create a solution, create tables, setup a relationship, build views, setup forms, design charts, build and customize your app, and then setup security and sharing. EVERYTHING you need to know to get started building your own Model-driven apps with Power Apps and Dataverse.

Click the video below to get started!

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Key Timestamps:

0:00 PowerApps Model-driven apps getting started

2:31 PowerApps Model-driven app example

4:28 Create a Power Apps Solution for our Model driven app

5:50 Create your Tables, columns, relationship, and lookup

12:20 Create the Model-driven app

15:20 Customize a Dataverse view for Model-driven apps

19:10 Update your model driven forms

27:22 Make Dataverse Charts for model driven app

30:09 Looking more at the Model-driven app studio and what else is possible

33:19 Setup the security role

34:52 Share your model-driven app with other users

Additional Learning:

Power Platform University

Are you looking for full, personalized Power Platform training? Do you want a mentor to help guide you on your journey? Do you prefer real world content instead of academic concepts? Then Power Platform University from PowerApps911 is for you.

Learn more here.

If you prefer to learn on your own, there is a downloadable app included with this video in our YouTube Resource Library for only $15/month!



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